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Embrace changes, strive to further challenges.

The Fujibo Group has the following corporate philosophy on the basis of its textile business which has created the history of the spinning industry in Japan: "We will always support leading-edge industries by providing new technologies and products demanded by the times, capitalizing on our technology and experience cultivated over more than a century of Fujibo's history. In this way, we are committed to realizing a more prosperous and sustainable future for people, society, and the global environment."
Since our establishment in 1896, we have grown to this day by proactively shifting our business portfolio in response to the changing times. Currently, we operate four businesses: Polishing Pad Business, Industrial Chemicals Business, Lifestyle Apparel Business and Chemical Products Business.
In our new five-year medium-term management plan Zokyo 21-25 -- commencing in FY2021 (the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022) -- we will expand our business portfolio mainly by adding value for promising markets related to the Polishing Pad Business, Industrial Chemicals Business, and Chemical Products Business. We will strive to establish management for sustainability, focusing on tackling environmental issues.
Please look forward to the future of the Fujibo Group which continues to take upon challenges with no fear of change and continues to contribute to people's life and the development of industries.
Masahide Inoue
Representative Director and President
Fujibo Holdings, Inc.