POLYPAS (FX series)

This is a polishing pad with built-in filler developed for polishing glass substrates for LCDs, glass disks, optical lenses, etc. In addition to the characteristics of the FXA series, the FX series is a polishing pad with self-abrasive properties unique to the built-in filler type, and is available in a wide variety of hardness, density, abrasive grain types, and grain size distribution.
- For polishing glass substrates for displays and photomasks
- For polishing optical lenses and various optical glass parts
- For polishing other materials, including plastic lenses, stainless and copper plates
- For cleaning panels
- High flatness
- Low scratch
- For the physical properties and characteristics of various products, please contact us.
Secondary processing and shipping conditions
- All POLYPAS series can be delivered with double-sided adhesive on the back of polishing pads.
- The pad can be perforated or grooved upon request.
- POLYPAS pads can be shipped in any of the specified sizes and shapes, including round, square, and donut shapes, upon request.


Fujibo Ehime Co., Ltd.,
Tokyo Office
1-18-12, Ningyocho, Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0013, Japan
TEL : +81-3-3665-7751
FAX : +81-3-3667-1326
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