
Fujibo Group pursues "Earnings, Growth and Profitability" as well as social contribution and integrity to further establish sustainability management.


Stock Information

IR Events

Release of FY 2024 First Quater (1Q) Financial Results

204th Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting

Briefing Session for Institutional Investors



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IR Contents

IR Calendar


  • July 31: Release of the First Quarter Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2025
  • June 27: 204th Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting
  • May 17: Briefing Session for Institutional Investors
  • May 15: Release of  Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2024
  • January 31: Release of the Third Quarter Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2024
Go to IR Calendar

Other Information


The information on the IR page is not intended as a recommendation to trade stocks or bonds of Fujibo Holdings. Current plans, strategies, and prospects are forecasts of future business performance and are judged to be reasonable based on current information.
Accordingly, actual results may differ from these forecasts due to economic conditions in major markets, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, and other factors. In no event shall we be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the information contained in this website or from any error therein.
The Company reserves the right to revise the information on this website at any time, and to suspend or discontinue the operation of this website.
The Company shall not be liable for any damages resulting from changes in the information or from the suspension or discontinuation of the operation of this website for any reason whatsoever.