For Individual Investors

This page helps individual investors gain a greater understanding of Fujibo Group.

Corporate Information


Please tell us about the history of the Company.

For more than a century since its foundation in Oyama, Shizuoka Prefecture, overlooking Mt. Fuji, the Company has introduced a succession of new fibers that satisfy people's needs by integrating technology and marketing cultivated over its long history as a textile manufacturer. Today, the Company covers not only the Textile Business but also the Non-Textile Businesses such as the fast-growing IT, Medical, and Automotive industries. Our business has expanded from textile that surrounds people to every environment surrounding people.

The Group strives to continuously enhance the corporate value following its corporate philosophy: "we will always support leading-edge industries by providing new technologies and products demanded by the times, and are committed to realizing a more prosperous and sustainable future for the people, society and the global environment."

Go to the Corporate History


Please tell us about the Company's historical business performance.

For past business results, please refer to the Consolidated Financial Data.

Go to Financial Highlights


What kind of business do you conduct?

For our major business activities, please refer the Corporate Overview and the Business Description.

Go to Corporate Overview
Go to Our Business


Please tell us about your ESG initiatives.

We are proactively addressing ESG (Environment, Social and Corporate Governance) issues to achieve sustainable growth.

In the area of the environment, we participated in the "FUKU-NO-WA Project," promoted textile products that make use of natural materials, and investment in nature-friendly facilities to protect the environment.

On the social front, we have sponsored the world championships in para-sports and also cooperate with the development of local sports by acquiring the naming rights to the Yanai City Budokan, the home of Yanai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. We also provided support for the earthquake victims of Kumamoto and other disasters. We will fulfill our social responsibility as a corporation by contributing to the health and quality education of all people.

In terms of governance, we aim to ensure corporate transparency and effectiveness as well as management that is trusted by shareholders and other stakeholders.

Go to Sustainability


Please tell us about the Company's medium-term management plans.

Please see IR Library for our medium-term management plans.

Go to IR Library

About Stock and Dividend Information


What is the Company's securities code?

It is 3104.


Which market is the Company listed on?

The Company is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


What is the number of shares in one unit?

The number of shares was changed from 1,000 to 100 as of October 1, 2016. As of the same date, the Company conducted a reverse stock split, whereby 10 shares were converted into 1 share.


When is your fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends on March 31.

For your information, the Company posts a schedule of announcement of quarterly financial results on the IR Calendar page once it is determined.


When do you hold the Shareholders' Meeting?

The ordinary general shareholders' meeting is held in late June every year.


Who is the administrator of the shareholder registry?

The administrator of our shareholder registry is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

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