Reduction and Recycling of Industrial Waste
The Fujibo Group is committed to reducing industrial waste and recycling resources. We sort waste into valuables, recyclable sand industrial waste and store and dispose of them accordingly at each of our businesss ites. In addition, we emphasize efforts to cut down on waste through loss-reduction practices that involve reusing work in progress generated during the manufacturing process and implementing stringent yield management.
The Yanai Headquarters Plant detoxifies liquid waste generated in the production process by decomposing liquid waste into water and CO2 through combustion treatment. We are working to reduce our environmental loads through internal processing of approximately 80 tons of liquid waste per day using a submerged combustion system. Moreover, this enables us to minimize the risk of secondary pollution, such as dioxins, through high temperature combustion treatment. We manage the soot and smoke generated during combustion by keeping them below the standard level using a detoxification system. We also reuse some of the liquid waste as fuel for incinerators to reduce our environmental loads.
While the submerged combustion system burns waste liquid, it generates soot and smoke (soot and dust, sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx)). We regularly measure, record and store soot and smoke data in compliance with the Air Pollution Control Act.