Corporate Governance Initiatives
Basic Concept

Our primary goal is to maximize our shareholder value by pursuing management efficiency and ensuring soundness. In addition, we focus on ensuring management transparency, strive to disclose information to the maximum extent possible, and absorb various opinions from both inside and outside the company, thereby improving corporate governance and raising corporate ethics.
Based on our basic recognition as a member of society, we will comply with laws and regulations, observe social norms and corporate ethics, and operate in accordance with internal rules in order to earn the trust of our customers, employees, business partners, shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders, as well as society, by increasing our corporate value while aiming for sustainable development through sound management. To implement this, we also observe the Fujibo Group Charter of Conduct established as a corporate behavior charter.
We have established the Compliance Committee to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, fairness and ethics in corporate activities. In addition, to enhance functioning of the Committee, we have established a corporate ethics hotline, including an external legal consultation service provided by lawyers, as a body to handle information on potential violations, thereby building a system enabling management to decide and handle material business information. We also have the Internal Audit Office to audit the execution of various management activities from a fair and independent standpoint and to contribute to the effective achievement of management goals.
Furthermore, we have taken measures to improve corporate governance, such as having corporate auditors (including outside auditors) properly audit management, including participation in the Board of Directors, where they are responsible for making decisions on our operation and supervising the execution of directors' duties, separating supervision from execution through introduction of the executive officer system, and reinforcing the management supervising function by outside directors.
Corporate Governance System
Fujibo Holdings is a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board, and is taking initiatives to speed up the decision-making process of the Board of Directors, ensure greater transparency, and strengthen the oversight functions of the Audit & Supervisory Board.
Since June 2013, the Company has been inviting outside directors to oversee management from a more objective standpoint based on their abundant experience and extensive knowledge as executives. This enables the Company to build a system to strengthen the functions and roles of the Board of Directors, which include decision-making on business execution and supervision of the directors' execution of duties.
The Company's system allows corporate auditors to attend the Board of Directors and the Management Committee to understand the process of important decision-making and the status of business execution, and to conduct management audits appropriately.