Materiality / Key Issues
Identification of Materiality Process

Double Materiality in Enhancing Sustainability Management
In order to achieve a sustainable society, the Group has analyzed the magnitude of the effects and the impact of our business activities on stakeholders, the economy, society and the environment. At the Board of Directors meeting, we identified five materialities based on the concept of "double materiality," which integrates materiality from the investors' perspective (financial materiality) and materiality from the stakeholders' perspective (environmental and social materiality).
The concept of double materiality is defined in an update to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) based on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) issued by the European Commission in April 2021, which provides a framework for future disclosures.

Based on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) issued by the European Commission in April 2021, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) has been updated to provide a framework for disclosures in the future.
*1 Financial Materiality / Events essential to understanding the financial developments and results and financial conditions of a company
*2 Environmental and Social Materiality / Impacts that corporate decision-making and business activities have on the outside world
Five Materialities
The Fujibo Group is focusing on the following initiatives through our business activities in order to achieve a sustainable society together with all of our stakeholders:
1. Sincere Efforts toward the Realization of a Sustainable Environment and Society
In order to maintain the sustainability of the global environment, we aim to establish a stable and sustainable procurement and supply system by working on the preservation of the natural environment and biodiversity and promoting effective utilization of resources.
2. Adaptation to Climate Change
We will work to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities to achieve a decarbonized society and respond appropriately to the potential impacts of climate change on companies that may arise in the future.
3. Co-creation of Value with Various Stakeholders
Through our business activities, we will emphasize dialogue with various stakeholders and contribute to the sustainable growth and development of local communities and other organizations.
4. Creation of an Environment that Accepts Diversity and Maximizes Individual Capabilities
We will respect diversity regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc., and promote the development of a work environment that will enable employees to demonstrate their abilities free from anxiety.
5. Enhancement of Corporate Governance and Thorough Compliance and Risk Management
We aim to achieve sustainable growth by implementing high transparency in our management practices and maintaining a risk management system to prevent the occurrence of accidents and fraud.
Materiality: Initiatives for Important Themes
The Fujibo Group is promoting the following initiatives through our business activities in order to achieve a sustainable society together with all of our stakeholders:

Communications with Stakeholders
The Fujibo Group takes various opportunities to communicate with shareholders, investors and other stakeholders. Through such communications, we will work together to create new corporate value.
Dialogues with Stakeholders
Roles of The Fujibo Group | Communication tools | Status of communications | |
Shareholders and investors |
・ Timely information disclosure such as operating results, management policies and medium-term management plans ・ Building trust relationships ・ Shareholder returns |
・ Financial results, reference materials for financial results and video distributions ・ Annual Securities Reports ・ Corporate governance reports・ Intgrated Report ・ Completion of CDP (climate change) questionnaire |
・ Shareholders' meetings ・ Financial results briefing sessions ・ Financial results briefing videos ・ Meetings with institutional investors |
Customers | ・ Providing safe, secure and quality products ・ Building trust relationships ・ Improving customer satisfaction |
・ Product brochures ・ Quality Assurance Certificates ・ Contact ・ TV commercial ・Corporate website ・ Suzu Bra(Cool Bra) Community website |
・ Direct response by the person in charge ・ Quality assurance support ・ Various exhibitions ・ Audits ・ Customer service office ・ Joint research |
Business partners | ・ Fair and equitable transactions | ・ Sustainability Procurement Guidelines | ・ Opinion exchanging meetings ・ Quality support |
Employees | ・ Providing a comfortable and rewarding workplace ・ Enhancing systems and education to maximize their capabilities |
・ The Group's internal newsletters ・ Intranet ・ Internal Reporting Contact Office (corporate ethics hotline) |
・ Labor-management council ・ Various training ・ Dialogues with management ・ Interviews with junior and middle-level employees ・ Women's conference |
Local communities | ・ Ensuring safe and secure plant operations ・ Contributing to community development ・ Building and maintaining trust relationships |
・ Corporate information (video and pamphlets) | ・ Actively participating in local communities ・ Exchanging opinions and cooperating with local governments and neighboring companies ・ Information disclosure (website) ・ Recruitment campaigns (universities, etc.) |