Social Initiatives
Basic Concept

The Fujibo Group respects diverse values regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc., and promotes the provision of opportunities to demonstrate one’s abilities and the improvement of the working environment based on the guiding principle of “constantly overcome challenges to make breakthroughs” set out in the corporate vision.
In the workplace, we will respect individual abilities and promote the creation of an environment where people can work together to improve under fair opportunities and fair evaluation, and create a workplace that fosters healthy competitiveness and teamwork.
We are also working together with our various stakeholders to realize a better society.
As a global corporate citizen, we will actively participate in local revitalization initiatives and local contribution activities and fulfill our roles in solving social challenges as a member of the local communities.
Priority Themes of Social Activities
The Group has designated the following items as priority themes for our social contribution activities, and will focus on achieving each of them.
1. Diversity & Inclusion
We will build a corporate culture of mutual respect through inclusion of diversity.
2. Respect for human rights
In accordance with the “Fujibo Group Human Rights Policy,” we will respect human rights.
3. Human resource development
Recognizing that employees are our corporate asset, we will work to develop them.
4. Health and productivity management
We will aim to stimulate our organization and increase our corporate value by promoting employee health maintenance and enhancement.
5. Safety and health of employees
The Safety and Health Committee and a Group-wide organization, will play a central role in ensuring the health and safety of employees.
6. Supplier management
We will ensure responsible procurement in accordance with our Sustainability Procurement Guidelines.
7. Quality assurance
To provide customers with high-quality products, we will appropriately manage our internal quality management systems.
8. Contribution to local communities
As a member of the local community, we will actively get involved in local community activities to contribute to its revitalization.