Health and Productivity Management
Based on its corporate philosophy, the Fujibo Group has established a health and productivity management program enlisting strategic practices from a managerial perspective under its Medium-term Management Plan “Zokyo 21-25.” Our initiatives to promote employee health maintenance and enhancement stimulate our organization in part by enhancing employeevitality and heightening productivity, which in turn prompts expectations of better financial results and increased corporate value. We furthermore maintain an internal environment in which employees are able to work enthusiastically by implementing various initiatives under our system for promoting our Health and Productivity Management Declaration.
Health and Productivity Management Declaration

System for Promoting Health and Productivity Management
We promote health and productivity management on a Group-wide basis enlisting a framework whereby the Representative Director and President of the Company serves as Chief of Health and Productivity Management Promotion and whereby the General Affairs Department and Human Resources Department primarily coordinate with the general affairs departments associated with each of our Group companies and business sites as well as the Safety and Health Committee. The departments also coordinate with the Fujibo Health Insurance Society and industrial physicians.

Recognition under 2023 Certified Health and Productivity Management
Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program
(large enterprise category)
On March 8, 2023, the Fujibo Group gained recognition under the 2023 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (large enterprise category) for its health and productivity management initiatives with respect to the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program jointly implemented by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.