Respect for Human Rights
The Fujibo Group follows our corporate philosophy “we will always support leading-edge industries by providing new technologies and products demanded by the times, and are committed to realizing a more prosperous and sustainable future for the people, society and the global environment” and stipulates in the “Fujibo Group Charter of Conduct” that we will conduct management that respects the human rights of all people.
We have developed “The Fujibo Group Human Rights Policy” (hereinafter, the “Policy”) pursuant to the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” and Japan’s “National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights” developed in compliance therewith, and will address respect for human rights based on the Policy as a guide in order to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights of all people involved in our business.
The Fujibo Group Human Rights Policy
1. Scope of application
This Policy applies to all employees and officers of the Group. The Group also expects all business partners, including its suppliers, to understand and support this Policy.
2. Basic concept
The Group will respect human rights as stipulated in the "International Bill of Human Rights" and the "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" by the International Labour Organization (ILO). In conducting business activities, the Group is taking initiatives to respect human rights pursuant to the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" and Japan's "National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights" formulated in accordance with the UN's Guiding Principles.
3. Compliance with laws and regulations
The Group understands and adheres to the laws, regulations and rules related to its business in all countries and regions where it conducts business activities. In the unlikely event that the laws and regulations in the relevant country or region differ from or conflict with international norms for human rights, the Group will seek ways to maximize respect for internationally recognized human rights principles within the scope of the laws, regulations and rules of the country or region.
4. Corporate human rights due diligence
Based on the concept of human rights due diligence in accordance with the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights," the Group will strive to understand, prevent and mitigate human rights violations or effects that may result in indirect racial abuse.
5. Establishment of remedy and grievance mechanism
If it becomes evident that the Group's business activities infringe on human rights or cause an impact that may indirectly result in human rights violations, the Group will endeavor to take the necessary steps to address the situation.
6. Education and training
The Group will strive to provide appropriate education and training in order to effectively implement this Policy throughout its business activities.