Human Resource Development
The Fujibo Group aims to become the "outstanding No. 1 player in a niche segment" as its long-term vision. For this vision, we believe that employees are our corporate assets and have established an organization to promote human resource development since 2010. Based on our ideal of creating a small yet highly talented workforce, we will continue to support the development of multi-skilled workers in step with our business portfolio transformation. In order to support the growth of our employees, we provide a training system tailored to careers, such as theme-based training and re-skilling aimed at the digitalization of business processes. Moreover, in October 2021, we established a dedicated department for promoting human resource development at Fujibo Ehime Co., Ltd., which is working on skills development with a view to creating new value.
Human Resource Development Policy
1. Develop problem-solving human resources
We provide well-developed career training to actively support employees to develop themselves into problem-solvers. After joining the company, the Human Resources Department and the department unit together to provide OJT, and then provide the employee with opportunities to solve problems and understand customer needs on the job site, as well as various training by the Human Resources Department, to prepare for promotion to managerial positions. We also fairly evaluate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of mid-career hires and actively help them get promoted to management.
2. Develop globally competent resources
In order to develop globally competent human resources, we provide language training covering mainly English, Chinese (including Taiwanese) and Thai, and Japanese and also offer language study programs in various countries to achieve higher personal development goals.
3. Develop next-generation leaders
In order to realize sustainable corporate management, we develop next-generation leaders to be able to have balanced capabilities and insights by giving them experience in leading a small group at first and gradually bigger groups or a subsidiary.
Investment in Human Capital
Investment in human resources is fundamental to the sustainable growth of the Company, and the Group actively provides education and training opportunities to draw out and enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals. We are committed to enhancing the capabilities of each and every one of our employees to realize a sustainable way of working.

Improvement of Education and Training Programs
The Group supports employees' growth through various training programs. Training programs include education and training and next-generation development, as well as mental health education such as workplace safety education, environmental education and self-development. In addition to human resource development and work-related training, we are also increasing opportunities for education while taking into account the work environment and employees' health.
Training System
Manager training upon appointment, training upon promotion (upgraded employment designation or job title), job category-specific training, occupation-specific training, rank specific training, overseas language study programs, language instruction by class level (classroom-based learning, lessons provided in the workplace, online learning), allowance to cover costs of distance learning courses for self-development, theme-specific learning sessions at each of our business sites.