Safety and Health of Employees
The Fujibo Group is committed to ensuring the safety and health of employees at business sites, with the Group-wide organization Environment and Safety Promotion Department playing a central role. We launched a safety measures project in 2010 and established safety and health management regulations in April 2011. We are promoting zero workplace accident activities as the top priority goal by developing and improving our Group-wide safety and health management system and conducting regular safety inspections and guidance at all business sites.
Initiatives for Safety and Health Education

We provide safety education at our manufacturing sites to ensure the safety of employees.
■ Specific Initiatives
• Safety education tailored to different age groups (new employees, foremen, managers, age-inclusive for older workers, etc.)
• Education to heighten hazard awareness (risk assessment, workplace injury prevention training, near miss incidents, harmful effects of chemical substances on the human body, etc.)
• Education related to employee health (mental healthcare, etc.)
Assessment of Safety Risks
The Fujibo Group is implementing initiatives to thoroughly identify and evaluate risks related to employee safety, including accidents and injuries. When making capital expenditures or upgrading facilities, we conduct multifaceted risk assessments and, if necessary, chemical substance risk assessments to ensure that all possible engineering and administrative measures are taken. The Environment and Safety Promotion Department inspects each workplace, evaluates risk countermeasures and instructs necessary measures in accordance with its annual plan. We will continue to strive to prevent serious accidents and further enhance the security and safety of our employees and the local communities.