Supply Chain Management
The Fujibo Group has established an appropriate transaction policy and is conducting responsible procurement in order to support the development of a sustainable society throughout the supply chain. The policies cover legal compliance, fair transactions, environmental considerations and respect for human rights (prohibition of child labor and forced labor) among others.

Formulation of Sustainability Procurement Guidelines
The Fujibo Group is also strengthening supply chain management to promote responsible corporate behavior in the supply chain based on the concept of sustainable management. We have established the Group's "Sustainability Procurement Guidelines" and will share our values with our business partners and implement the guidelines.
We have prepared this guideline in reference to the "CSR Supply Chain Guidebook" published by the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA).
Sustainability Procurement Guidelines
1. Organizational governance
(1) Regulatory compliance and respect for international norms
The Group will comply not only with laws and regulations applicable to its home country and the countries and regions where it operates, but also respect the International Code of Conduct.
(2) Respect for sustainability
The Group will respect the spirit of sustainability, establish policies to improve sustainability, and build an organizational structure to achieve this goal.
2. Fair trade and ethics
(1) Prohibition of bribery
The Group will neither give, offer or promise a bribe to any person, whether directly or indirectly, nor will it accept bribes.
(2) Prevention of improper provision and receipt of benefits
The Group will not provide, receive or tolerate improper benefits in relation to stakeholders.
(3) Prohibition of abuse of superior bargaining position
The Group will not take advantage of its superior position as a purchaser or consignor to impose any disadvantage to suppliers and contractors.
(4) Prohibition of competition restricting practices
The Group will not engage in any acts, such as cartels and bid-rigging, that impede fair, transparent and free competition.
(5) Respect for intellectual property rights
The Group will not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, such as patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, copyrights and trade secrets.
(6) Proper export control
The Group will establish a clear control system for the export of goods and technologies regulated by laws and regulations, and carry out proper export procedures.
(7) Information disclosure
The Group will appropriately provide and disclose information on business activities, financial conditions, performance and risk information to stakeholders, regardless of whether or not disclosure is required by laws and regulations.
(8) Prevention and early detection of misconduct
The Group will prevent misconduct through personnel training and education and set up an internal reporting contact office to respond to early detection of misconduct.
(9) Prohibition of insider trading
The Group will not buy or sell shares of a client company based on non-public, important information regarding its business.
(10) Confidentiality
The Group will take protective measures for information security in order not to cause damage to its own company and others, and properly manage and protect personal information of customers, third parties and employees, as well as confidential information received from customers and third parties.
3. Human rights and labor
(1) Prohibition of forced labor
The Group will hire all employees of their own free will and will not subject them to forced or bonded labor. The Group will also ensure that employees can leave the company at their own discretion.
(2) Prohibition of inhumane treatment
The Group will respect the human rights of its employees and prohibit harsh and inhumane treatment of any kind, including abuse, sexual harassment, power harassment, and corporal punishment.
(3) Prohibition of child labor
The Group will not employ children under the minimum working age in countries or regions where it conducts business activities, nor will it allow young workers to engage in employment that would impair their development.
(4) Prohibition of discrimination
The Group will eliminate discrimination in recruitment and employment and strive to ensure equal opportunities and fair treatment.
(5) Appropriate wages
The Group will comply with statutory minimum wages in countries or regions in which it conducts business activities and will not make unreasonable wage reductions.
(6) Appropriate working hours
The Group will comply with the statutory limits of the countries and regions in which it conducts business activities, and appropriately manage the working hours, holidays and leaves of employees. The Group will also strive to restrict long working hours, improve its system and create a workplace culture that encourages balance between work and personal life.
(7) Employees' rights to organize
The Group will respect employees' rights to organize as a means of realizing labormanagement discussions, such as working environment and wage levels.
(8) Approach to conflict minerals
The Group will not procure raw materials, parts or products that use conflict minerals.
(9) Industrial safety and health
The Group will evaluate risks to workplace safety and ensure safety through appropriate design, technology and management measures. The Group will identify situations in the workplace with regard to risks from exposure to chemical substances, organisms, noise, offensive odors and other similar conditions that are harmful to human body, and take appropriate measures. In addition, the Group will also conduct appropriate health management for all employees.
4. Environmental conservation
(1) Environmental management system
The Group will build and operate an environmental management system to promote environmental practices appropriate for its business.
(2) Minimize environmental loads (wastewater, sludge, exhaust gas, etc.)
The Group will comply with laws and regulations related to air, water quality and chemical substances in countries or regions where it conducts business activities, and make further improvements through voluntary standards as necessary.
(3) Environmental permits and administrative approvals
The Group will obtain the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries or regions where it conducts business activities, and submit the requested management reports to local authorities.
(4) Effective utilization of energy and resources
The Group will set voluntary targets for resource and energy saving, and continue to make effective use of resources and energy.
(5) Conservation of water resources
The Group will strive to conserve water resources through efficient use of water and reuse by recycling.
(6) Reduction of waste
The Group will set voluntary targets for reducing final waste and strive for continuous reduction.
(7) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
The Group will set voluntary targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and work towards continuous reduction.
(8) Biodiversity and environmental conservation initiatives
The Group will assess the impact of its business activities on biodiversity, reduce negative impacts, and strive to conserve biodiversity and the environment.
5. Quality and product safety
(1) Ensuring product safety
The Group will strive to ensure sufficient product safety so that products meet the safety requirements stipulated by the laws and regulations of each country. The Group will also engage in preventive activities to prevent the occurrence of quality problems and respond promptly when problems occur.
(2) Quality management system
The Group will establish and operate a quality management system to promote quality assurance initiatives.
(3) Accurate provision of product and service information
The Group will provide customers and consumers with accurate information about products and services.
6. Social contribution
(1) Contribution to society and local communities
The Group will actively engage in activities that contribute to the development of international and local communities in order to realize a sustainable society.
Raw Cotton Traceability
Given its labor-intensive nature, cotton cultivation undeniably tends to encompass social problems such as health hazards affecting those involved in production, child labor, and forced labor. However, raw cotton used in Fujibo Group’s textile products addresses such concern sthrough measures that include our practice of obtaining proof of origin documentation.
B.V.D. Brand Produced with Consideration for Human Rights and Working Environments
We have established a traceability framework with respect to our B.V.D. products. It begins with the process of spinning raw cotton bearing the af orementioned proof oforigin documentation. Meanwhile, the framework furthermore enables us to verify that production has been carried out in ethical and safe factories that have acquired the WRAP certification (plant audit certification by a third-party organization).
As such, B.V.D. is a brand that gives rise to trust between the Company and our customers given that such products result from such stringently controlled production process.