Open-minded exchange of ideas on an equal footing
Aiming to be Fujibo that creates markets



Three outside directors held a roundtable discussion about the current status and future expectations of the Fujibo Group.

Q1. How do you evaluate the governance of Fujibo Holdings?

From the left: Outside Director Mr.Kobayashi , Outside Director Ms. Jarman, Outside Director Ms.Sato

Jarman: Discussions are held from various angles at the Board of Directors meetings, and I believe the Board is able to “visualize” issues. Suggestions from outside directors are taken sincerely. As an example, our opinions and requests regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors have never been treated as “under consideration,” and improvements measures are always taken. Including such cases, I believe that communication between the outside directors, directors, executive officers, and corporate auditors is going smoothly and that the Board of Directors is functioning sufficiently.

Sato: I also strongly feel that efforts are being made to apply the points raised by outside directors in management. This is why I can speak frankly at meetings of the Board of Directors. Efforts are being made on operating methods and other issues to organize the matters to be reported and make these meetings more discussion-oriented. I hope that these meetings become even more comprehensive in the future.
If I had to make a request, it would be great to see more instances of healthy boundary crossings in discussions by the Board of Directors, where advice is provided across different business domains.

Kobayashi: As both of you have noted, I believe that steady progress is being made in strengthening our governance, such as efforts to enhance proposals for the Board of Directors and continuous efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and provide feedback. Progress is being made not only in terms of increasing the number of outside directors but also in enriching the discussions at meetings of the Board of Directors. As outside directors, we have also started efforts to strengthen communication, such as voluntarily holding informal meetings with outside corporate auditors. I think it is very important to mutually continue this evolution of governance.

Q2. What are the strengths of Fujibo Holdings?

Kobayashi: Some of the strengths include the fact that the strategic goal of becoming the “No. 1 global player in a niche segment” has become a common language in various business areas, and the fact that ROIC management is also becoming instilled.
In addition, I believe that by building close relationships with our customers, we have been able to accurately capture diverse needs, constantly provide new technologies and products that the times demand, and develop the human resources to carry this process forward. Our corporate philosophy states that we “support leading-edge industries,” and I feel that the spirit of supporting customers behind the scene is reflected in our technology, products, and human resources.

Jarman: I completely agree. I also strongly feel that the ability to collaborate with people on the job sites is very important. I felt that a relationship as a partner has been built between President Inoue and the employees through opportunities such as factory visits. I believe that the good relationship between management and people on the job sites has been a key factor in the success of structural reforms up until now.

Sato: I believe that the penetration of the corporate philosophy throughout the Group is one of the strengths of the Company. I get the impression that each Group company, with different business operations and cultures, operates independently based on the corporate philosophy, and is united under the holdings structure. I believe that this flexible management that is inclusive of diversity is one of our strengths. Relationships among the Group companies and between officers are fair and equal, and I believe a wonderful corporate culture has taken root.

Q3. What are your expectations for Fujibo Holdings in the future, and what do you consider your role to be in achieving them?

Kobayashi: First, I would like to support the steady implementation of the current Medium-term Management Plan “Zokyo 21-25,” and in the next Medium-term Management Plan starting in FY2026, my personal hope as a director is for Fujibo to shift its position from supporting leading-edge industries to leading them. To achieve this, it will be necessary to establish market strategies, technology and product development, and human resource development strategies in line with our corporate philosophy and vision. My abilities may be limited, but I intend to work toward contributing to the Company’s growth and the creation of corporate value.

Jarman: I think what Kobayashi just said “from supporting leading-edge industries to leading them,” means that he wants Fujibo to evolve from a Fujibo that grows together with customers to a Fujibo that creates markets. Having new perspectives, courage, and the ability to listen to diverse opinions while leveraging our technological and sales capabilities will become very important.
As I envision such a future, personally I would like to contribute especially from the perspective of human resource strategies. I would like, for example, to contribute in terms of strengthening governance at overseas sites in anticipation of the establishment of an R&D facility in Taiwan. Because people are the most important part of strengthening governance, I would like to provide support in terms of how to secure human resources for overseas sites.

Sato: I believe that the next Medium-term Management Plan will be about enhancing various capabilities including technological, sales, and solution capabilities, while aiming to provide value that exceeds the expectations of customers. It is people who will enable us to advance to the next stage and create new value. I intend to pay particular attention to areas related to people, such as the development of human resources and the creation of an environment in which they can fully utilize their abilities.